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MDPD Specialists Team

Our Specialties

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that currently affects 1% of the American population. It spares race and is found in both men and women although is found to be most common in men. Parkinson’s typically affects older people aged between 50 and 65 though, in some rare cases, can also occur in younger adults.

Cognitive Disorder

As we get older, our bodies begin to change. An entirely natural part of this shift is a slowing down of our brains and a dimished ability to remember and learn new things. However, consistent and increasing occurrences of conditions such as increased memory loss may be a sign of something more serious such as a cognitive disorder.

Deep Brain Stimulation

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Dystonia Including Torticollis and Blepharospasms

Dystonia affects approximately 500,000 adults and children in the United States and is the third most common movement disorder in the country. Identified by the repetitive twisting and contracting of muscles for prolonged periods of time, dystonia is also one of the most painful conditions.

Gait Disorders

The term ‘gait’ refers to a person’s pattern of walking. Most people have their unique gait. For example, some people may have a bit of a bounce in their step or walk with their feet pointing outwards. Others may lean forward slightly or swing their arms from side to side. All of these walking variations are considered normal and part of a person’s gait. But there are many reasons why someone may experience a change in the way that he or she walks, the most typical being accident or injury to the legs, which leads to a limp. Having a limp is not the same as having a gait disorder.