
MDPD Education

An essential part of our mission here at MDPDS is to advance the education of the next generation of leaders in neurological medicine. As such, we provide members and non-members alike with the opportunity to tap into a global network of educational resources, knowledge based tools, and comprehensive e-learning activities.

We actively encourage the continued research of neurological disorders and actively promote the discovery of new management and treatment methods to help practitioners who treat the symptoms of movement disorders and neurodegenerative diseases to deliver the best care possible.

In the ever evolving landscape of modern medicine, we commit ourselves to staying at the forefront of new technology, supporting innovation, and the development of new technology through best practices. We promote the mantra that specialization in any field of medicine, especially the field of neurological sciences, is a commitment that not only requires a dedication to lifelong learning, but that also strives to constantly improve and discover newer, better ways to diagnose, prevent, and treat neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.