Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a term that is used to describe a type of pain that is constant and persistent. Unlike more traditional types of pain, chronic pain is not typically the result of a broken bone or injury and, more often than not, there is no diagnosis or known cause. With neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s though, it is quite common.
More than half of Parkinson’s patients have experienced some form of physical discomfort or chronic pain associated with the disease. Symptoms linked to chronic pain, such as stiffness, aching, numbness and tingling, happen for several reasons, but the most common common causes are poor posture, arthritis and constant involuntary muscle movement resulting from other movement disorders such as Dystonia. In some very rare cases, chronic pain may also be the direct consequence of nerve damage or pressure on pain sensors in the brain.
Chronic pain can prevent you from doing even the simplest tasks in your day-to-day life. As such, it can be a debilitating experience if left untreated. Finding relief from chronic pain can be challenging, but our team of neurology specialists can help. We offer a selection of pain management and care programs as well as surgical options to help you get back to your life as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Make an Appointment
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits all treatment. As such, we work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances and design care programs that fit your individual needs.
Use Telehealth
No matter where you are or what your movement disability may be, telehealth services ensure that we are always connected and able to assist you, 24/7.