MDPDS Telehealth
MDPD Telehealth
Sometimes if you are unwell you may not be able to visit your healthcare provider at their office. In other cases, the specialist treatment that you require may not be available in your area. As such you are not able to access the best possible care for your condition. For patients with a movement disorder, who have difficulty getting around, this can become a significant issue and deterrent to getting the care you deserve. The physicians of MDPDS believe strongly in our mission to make quality care more available to all who need help, and we are committed to offering real solutions.
Telehealth services use telephones, video conferencing, and other methods of remote communication technology to deliver health care related services and information without the need for an in-person visit. It is an easy, accessible, and convenient option for care that ensures you receive the best care available no matter where you live or what your circumstances may be.
For neurology medical specialists, educators, and students nationwide; the MDPDS telehealth service is an efficient, hassle free method to connect and collaborate, discuss cases, treatment options, and care programs in order to gain access and collaborate with the brightest minds in the field of neurology medicine.

Make an Appointment
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits all treatment. As such, we work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances and design care programs that fit your individual needs.